  • ISSN: 2155-7950
  • Journal of Business and Economics

Augmented Reality as a Marketing Tool to Promote Emblematic Places Printed on the Mexican Peso Bills 

Yair Olvera, Mario Gea, Amílcar Vargas

(Department of Animation and Visual Effects, Metropolitan Polytechnic University of Hidalgo, Mexico)

Abstract: This document describes the design, development and implementation of an application for smartphones based on augmented reality on the emblematic places that are printed on the Mexican peso bills. The purpose is to create a tool that serves to promote tourism in these places, since they are not on beaches or cities and they are little known to people. All stages for creating the application are described in detail, such as: interface design, 3D model production, audio design, programming, testing and Beta version. Once the application was available throughout the country, its effectiveness was verified through a series of questions to users. This allowed to establish a hypothesis of how these places and their inhabitants could benefit from tourists that promote the social and economic development of the region. Likewise, new technological means are created in the business environment focused on offering products or services to the market meeting the optimal conditions.  

Key words: augmented reality; marketing; Mexican peso bills; 3D modeling

JEL codes: D47, O31, Z32

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