  • ISSN: 2155-7950
  • Journal of Business and Economics

Geolocation Processes of Higher Education Educational Institutions in the State of Puebla as an Influence on the Local Development of the Region

Beatriz Martínez Carreño, Miguel Ángel González Romero, María Isabel Garrido Lastra  

(Benemérita Autonomous University of Puebla, Mexico)

Abstract: This essay addresses as a central theme the educational public policies that have been carried out in the last decade for the State of Puebla, building an educational network of great importance for the country and that influences locally the dynamics of both productive and social relations that develop in it. Articulating the conceptualization of development for Mexico and the localization processes in the territory and space of the public and private higher education schools in the State of Puebla as influence and/or consequence for the elaboration and axis of public policies; emphasizing the City of Puebla as an educational cluster for the country.

The first approach corresponds to how development is conceptualized in terms of epistemological analysis and when the term development in Mexico arises as the axis of the Economy; as well as the emergence and the boom of public educational policies at the beginning of the decade with the inclusion of compulsory and universal basic education in the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Subsequently, the reasons for building a regional and local policy are discussed, as well as some aspects of the theoretical development proposals focused on local development.

Therefore, the work is oriented to the analysis of regional and local politics from two perspectives: the first corresponds to the territorial visualization that makes the country and the second to the eye in terms of individuals as subjects of the policies, which is to say from a sectoral and territorial aspect.

Key words: education; geolocation; public policies

JEL codes: I, I2, I250

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