  • ISSN: 2155-7950
  • Journal of Business and Economics

The Adequacy of Academic Education to Companies Needs: The Business Project in Finance Case at ISCA-UA

Amândio Manuel Antunes, Fernando Miguel Moreira dos Santos Costa, Joaquim Alberto Neiva dos Santos
(Aveiro Institute of Accounting and Administration, University of Aveiro [ISCA-UA], Aveiro, Portugal)

Abstract: Organizational realities undergo very rapid and profound transformation processes. Globalized contexts impose situations of constant challenges, caused by the extremely accelerated acceleration of information and communication networks.

As much domotized as the productive, organizational, and commercial processes are presented, human capital will be progressively one of the rare differentiating factors for the creation of value.

Realizing this, as active parts of the teaching and learning models, academically responsible for the preparation of professionals in accounting and finance, we share the vision of a broad conception of the nature of teaching: integration of learning in the classroom with the labor market.

The communication presents the adaptation of the ISCA-UA Business Project in Finance, based on the (re)design of the student’s professional profile and the skills benchmark, within the framework of the challenges that are imposed on HEIs: opening Higher Education abroad and to the social and orientation dimensions in learning.

Key words: project, finance, ISCA-UA

JEL code: A, I

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