  • ISSN: 2155-7993
  • Journal of Modern Education Review

Personalized Learning Model of Trigonometric Functions
in Secondary Education

Julia Angela Ramón Ortiz, Jesús Vilchez Guizado
(Private University of Huánuco, Perú;  Hermilio Valdizán National University of Huánuco, Perú)

Abstract: This research aimed to optimize the teaching-learning process of mathematics to a personalized learning model and the use of technological tools in fifth grade secondary school students on the topic of trigonometric functions, aimed at achieving efficient learning. The theoretical framework that supports the study was pedagogical constructivism and the analysis of the fundamental concepts about trigonometric functions at the elementary level. The pedagogical experience was carried out during the classes of the topic of trigonometric functions in the pedagogical research-action mode, with interactive participation of the students and the teacher using mathematical software. The field work begins with an evaluation of requirements for the study of trigonometric functions, followed by process evaluations and concludes with an exit evaluation, the results of which are presented in tables and analyzed using descriptive statistics. Being empirically verified that the implemented didactic strategy resulted in the achievement of significant learning of trigonometric concepts and procedures of the students, fosters motivation and the development of positive attitudes for the learning of mathematics in general and of trigonometric functions in particular. This is corroborated by the level of satisfaction shown by the participants.

Key words: pedagogical constructivism, personalized learning, trigonometric functions, significant learning

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