  • ISSN: 2155-7950
  • Journal of Business and Economics

Analysis of Effectiveness and Efficiency Machinery Book on Making Packaging Drink Box 350ML

Hermanto1,2, Widiyarini1,2 
(1. Universitas Indraprasta PGRI Jakarta, Indonesia;
2. Universitas Borobudur Jakarta, Indonesia)

Abstract: The research objective is to measure the level of efficiency and efficiency of the machine in the process of making 350ml beverage packaging and the use of its causes. Identify and analyze the causes of problems. Low value and efficiency of the manufacturing process on production. Give advice to help companies increase production capacity on 350ml beverage packaging. The results of the analysis obtained an average value of OEE boobts of 23% with an average value of 34% availability, an average value of 49% performance value, and an average value of 98% quality value. From these data the value of OEE is still far from the standard of manufacturing industries in the world by 85%. Factors that influence the low OEE value are a decrease in engine speed (reduce speed) on the engine boobts with a percentage of 18%, while other factors that cause losses are equipment failure by 14%, adjustments and adjustments by 10%, and stopping minor idle by 6%. From the analysis using the Ishikawa diagram it can be seen that determining the decrease in the speed of the engine boobts is the machine itself which engine parts have been stopped. 

Key words: box packaging; overall equipment effectiveness; six big losses

JEL codes: D2, D240

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