- ISSN: 2155-7950
- Journal of Business and Economics
The Problems of Modern Science and the Development of Scientific Producing in Russia
(Moscow State University, Russia)
Abstract: The article introduces the innovative concept of scientific producing, which is viewed as a theoretical and practical field whose major aim is to manage projects in research and development and implement research results in a socio-culturally meaningful way. Scientific producing is described as a strategy and practice that encompasses all stages of research and development, as well as marketing the research results. An important aspect of science producing is the ability to take into consideration the open-endedness of research outcomes and plans. Scientific producing is regarded as a way to overcome the long-term destructive effects of state control and historical catastrophes on Russian science and economy, as well as the present-day problems of science in the country. The author offers an in-depth analysis of the historical development of the Russian science with a strong focus on the Soviet era and describes the topical structure and originality of modern Russian scientific research.
Key words: economy of education; education as an activity; the typology of universities
JEL code: O32