  • ISSN: 2155-7993
  • Journal of Modern Education Review

Journalists: Their Mental Models Within President Lopez Obrador’s Press Morning Conferences

José Luis Palacios Islas

(Página Ciudad SRL de CV, México)

Abstract: The present study consisted in making a first approach to the knowledge of the mental models that guide the journalists practice who cover the morning conference “la mañanera”, offered by the president of Mexico, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO). The constructed mental model shows that the journalist conceives his practice in terms of being a petitioner, a collaborator with the government, a sympathetic subject of the president, a spokesperson for groups, who sometimes communicates his gratitude to the president for his actions to “save” us from arbitrariness committed, even, by the institutions of his own administration.

Key words: mental models, morninger, journalists, AMLO

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