- ISSN: 2155-7950
- Journal of Business and Economics
An Economic Analysis of Water Pump QR Code Printing Method Considering RCP 4.5 Climate Change Scenario
Abstract: This shows a case study on economic analysis to determine the QR code marking method in pump product packaging process. In order to analyze the cost of the QR code marking for “in-store marking” and “source marking”, it is necessary to predict the production amount. We analyzed the past data regarding production amount and precipitation. We found correlation of them, and developed a prediction equation for production quantity by regression analysis. RCP climate change scenario has been utilized to estimate the future precipitation for 5 years since 2020. We clarified that “Source Marking” is superior to “In-store Marking” in the view of total cost for QR code marking system for water pump production.
Key words: economic analysis; QR code; RCP; Pump