  • ISSN: 2155-7993
  • Journal of Modern Education Review

Kampung Urug’s Leadership in Managing Natural Resources Toward
Defense Management Perspective

Yusuf Ali, Dijako Rizki Julistianto, Ghazalie

(Indonesian Defense University, Indonesia)

Abstract: Environmental problems have become a global issue in various parts of the world, including in Indonesia. In the perspective of Defense Management, environmental problems are related to natural resource management which is one aspect of defense management. Leadership is very important in defense management, among others in the process of managing national territory resources and national forces to their effective and efficient use in the context of universal defense. Leadership in managing natural resources for the benefit of the National can be learned from the leadership of several Customary Heads who have succeeded in managing the environment in their area. One of them is the customary head in Urug village who has rules on prohibited forests that can only be used for the treatment and repair of the Gedong Gede (house of the adat leader). This research uses descriptive qualitative research methods using interviews, observation and study literature to obtain research data. From the results of research in the management of prohibited forests in Urug Village, authority is held by a traditional leader who is chosen based on heredity. The traditional leader in Urug village is known as Abah Ukat. Abah Ukat is the customary leader of the Urug Indigenous Village of Lebak which is the center of the leadership of the Urug Indigenous Village and is one of the parents of a traditional village in West Java. Leadership of Indigenous Head of Kampung Urug who has a strategic vision in protecting his environment has helped to preserve the forest and the environment which affect the preservation of natural resources for the national interest.

Key words: customary head, defense management, strategic leadership

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