- ISSN: 2155-7993
- Journal of Modern Education Review
Building Three Dimensional Didactic Templates of the Mitosis Phases: A
Resource for The Teaching of Cell Biology
Maria da Conceição dos Reis Leal1, João Gabriel Rangel Gonçalves2
(1. Colégio Pedro II – campus Humaitá II, Brazil; 2. Colégio Cruzeiro - Unidade Centro, Brazil)
Abstract: Within the vast subject of Cell Biology, the amount of technical and theoretical jargon not only contributes to detach it from the student’s perspectives but also demotivates them along the learning process. Therefore, teaching approaches should be implemented in a more dynamic manner so that students become interested in active learning. Several studies show that the building of didactic templates is an important tool suited to boost learning in a ludic way, support socialization and stimulate learning. In this context, the purpose of this article was to encourage students from the Second Year of High School of Colégio Cruzeiro – Unidade Centro, an institution part of the private school network of Rio de Janeiro, to take part in assembling three dimensional templates of mitosis cell division, using the program Voxelizer (VOXEL 3D SOFTWARE) from a 3D printer, in order to focus on the role of the student in the construction of knowledge. The outcome indicated that the activity assisted both on the creation of a long-lasting teaching resource as well as it made the learning process ludic and pleasant. Students assimilated content easily and developed major skills in the construction of knowledge, such as socialization and motivation.
Keywords: high school, mitosis, three dimensional templates, 3D printing, motivation