
- ISSN: 2155-7950
- Journal of Business and Economics
Design and Analysis of the PID Control Technique for
an Inverted
Linear Pendulum in V-REALM®
Federico Ampudia Ramírez1, Alicia Rosas González1,
Francisco Javier Ramírez Valdés2, Francisco Javier Ramírez Alonso3
(1. Autonomous University of
Tamaulipas, Multidisciplinary Academic Unit Reynosa-Rodhe, Reynosa, Tamaulipas,
2. National Technological Institute of
Mexico/Institute of Technology, Reynosa, Tamaulipas, México;
3. Technological University of North Tamaulipas,
Reynosa, Tamaulipas, México)
Abstract: The main purpose of this article is to divulge the results obtained analyzing a PID as a control technique applied on the inverted linear pendulum.
This paper describes mathematical analysis using MATLAB-SIMULINK® and virtual simulations using both V-REALM tools and LABVIEW® interface. Also a physical implementation of a dynamic system is achieve using ARDUINO® as a microcontroller and analogical electronics/mechatronics.The objective is to model dynamic systems with applications ranging from engineering to economics.
Key words: inverted llinear pendulum; mathematical models; simulation modeling; PID control; Matlab-Simulink-V REALM®
JEL codes: C6