  • ISSN: 2155-7950
  • Journal of Business and Economics

Audits in Business Partners Focused on the Ideal Process for Implementation of Process Poka Yoke

Sandro dos Santos, André de Lima

(Fatec Americana, Brazil) 

Abstract: With the resumption of economic growth, companies are experiencing problems with the lack of accuracy in the deliveries of their business partners with greater intensity; aiming to elucidate this fact, we have as example the study of the indicators of attendance of the problems that the company Honda Automóveis has received monthly in the last 15 months (period that includes part of the Brazilian economic recess and resumption of the economy growth). In order to analyze and explain the results about the new method of “auditing” in suppliers, where in the conventional way, it is audited in the processes evidencing the failure modes, being in charge of each of the business partners, assess the causes and mainly return with countermeasures, in the new condition (already in progress), is adopted the use of the audit process against what is understood to be an ideal process in each step that makes the manufacture of a product in the entire logistics chain in bound and out bound) as well as assess deviations from Quality and Logistics. Thus, the present study aims to evaluate nonconventional method of application of audit in business partner and evaluate the evolution in the service question.

Key words: audit; ideal process; quality tools

        JEL code: O310

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