  • ISSN: 2155-7950
  • Journal of Business and Economics

Strategies for Survival of the World — Risk Management

Jovo Lojanica
(Serbian Quality Management and Business Excellence Association, Serbia)

Abstract: All management standards have requirements for different aspects of improvements on the personal level, family level, company level, in business and life.

What is about national level and country level?

Is it possible for today’s generations to learn history of nations and of civilizations?

If it is ok, let’s apply it on actual time and people to have less problems and difficulties especially if is actual in field of risk management.

Majority of people are occupied by today’s problems. They don’t consider past and future challenges.

People from each country strive for better quality, better and cleaner environment, higher safety etc. historically and today.

But could we remember:

How did Genghis Khan conquer many regions and how was he defeated?

How did Mayas and Aztecs die out?

How were Native Americans in North America drastically reduced in numbers?

How did the Roman Imperium vanish?

How was the Ottoman Imperium established and how it vanished?

How many people were killed in the wars in XX century, etc?

In all these catastrophic changes risks were not considered in an adequate way.

Requirements of risk management Principles and guidelines ISO 31000:2009 are very consultative. They could be used on country level, national level, regional level, continental and intercontinental level.

Key words: world history; catastrophe; management standards; risk management; future challenges

         JEL codes: M

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