- ISSN: 2155-7950
- Journal of Business and Economics
The Investment Development Path f or Poland in the Period 1994-2016
Aneta Kosztowniak
(Kazimierz Pułaski University of Technology and Humanities in Radom, Poland)
Abstract: The aim of the paper is to analyze theoretical premises and their implications for empirical research in the field of the theory of the investment position development by J. H. Dunning for Poland in the years 1994-2016. The main conclusions from this analysis are as follows: we do not observe a definite change in the net outward investment and economic development stage from Stage 2 to 3, i.e., J. H. Dunning’s investment development path (IDP). However, we can confirm that some changes occur that prove that economy is at the beginning of Stage 3 as the following symptoms are observed: a drop in the levels of: FDI outward stock net (NOI), net outward FDI stock per capita and an increase in Outward Performance Index (OPI). Nevertheless the GDP growth rate in the examined period reveals a declining trend which weakens the GDP growth rate per capita, and consequently economic growth which accompanies changes in investment position.
Key words: FDI; GDP; Investment Development Path (IDP); J. H. Dunning; NOI; OPI (OND)
JEL codes: C50, F21, F37, F43, O11, O47