  • ISSN: 2155-7950
  • Journal of Business and Economics

Impact of Women Entrepreneurship in Lagos State

Agbo Joel Christopher Onu, Salimat Modupe Abass  
(Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Administration, Ahmadu Bello University, Nigeria)

Abstract: This paper examined the impact of Women entrepreneurship in the development of Lagos state. Women entrepreneurs have attracted the attention of organizations, policy makers and researchers as they have been identified as an important unexploited source of economic growth and development. An empirical survey was conducted with a longitudinal data of women via secondary data from the National Bureau of Statistics and SMEDAN. Data were analyzed using linear regression with the aid of the Stata software. Findings revealed that women entrepreneurship positively and significantly influence development in Lagos state. The paper recommended that Lagos state government should encourage more women in entrepreneurial activities by providing infrastructural facilities such as trade centers, shops and credit facilities that will enhance their participation in business.

Key words: women entrepreneurship; development; lagos state

JEL codes: L26

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