- ISSN: 2155-7950
- Journal of Business and Economics
Are Japanese Consumers Concerned with Brand Commitment?
Abstract: In this research, we study factors such as brand commitment in order to understand the affect of loyalty and satisfaction on continuance intention with mobile wallet applications in Japan. We developed a research model, based upon previous research constructs, where we propose and examine the four constructs. The main research question in this research is: what is the extent that brand commitment affects satisfaction, loyalty, and continuous intention of Japanese consumers with respect to mobile wallet applications? Two recent data collection efforts yielded a total sample of 513 consumers using mobile wallet apps. While we expected to find brand conscious Japanese consumers to be satisfied and loyal, as well as continuous users of certain mobile apps, our data shows that brand commitment is only statistically significant with satisfaction. This means that brand does not predict consumer loyalty or continuous intention. This finding is interesting, as Japanese consumers have long been known to be brand conscious consumers. There are several potential explanations for this finding, one of which the Japanese consumer mindset is changing. We found supporting literature showing that consumers in Japan are becoming more price conscious. Additionally many of the consumers in our sample were younger in age and might be more price-sensitive.
Key words: continuance intention; loyalty; mobile wallet; brand commitment; satisfaction
JEL codes: E, O