  • ISSN: 2155-7993
  • Journal of Modern Education Review

Capacity Building at the Brazilian National Institute for Space Research

(INPE): An Overview of the Current Activities and Future Challenges

Adriana Cursino Thomé, Maria Virgínia Alves
(Brazilian National Institute for Space Research, Brazil)

Abstract: One of the important points of the mission of the Brazilian National Institute for Space Research (INPE) is the generation and diffusion of knowledge and space applications. Currently, INPE is involved in a series of capacity building initiatives in its areas of activity, ranging from rapid courses that aim the qualification of professionals in a given subject; partnerships with foreign institutions and international organisms to offer courses for the capacity building of students in specific technologies developed by INPE, mainly involving Latin American countries; partnerships with universities and schools to train students and teachers and jointly develop projects; up to prestigious master’s and doctoral courses in the areas of astrophysics, space engineering and technologies, applied computing, meteorology, remote sensing and earth system sciences. This article presents an overview of the capacity building initiatives at INPE and, based on this information, seeks to identify the areas that can be improved, especially with regard to encouraging women and young people to be trained in space sciences, setting some guidelines in order that these future challenges can be successfully met.
Key words: capacity building, Brazilian National Institute for Space Research (INPE); space engineering

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