
- ISSN: 2155-7993
- Journal of Modern Education Review
Statistical Literacy and Interdisciplinary Projects in the High School:
Discussing the Didactical Contract
Cassio Cristiano Giordano
(Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, Brazil)
Abstract: This article reports selected findings of a Master’s degree study on the promotion of statistical literacy through interdisciplinary projects, discussing the importance of the didactical contract. Statistical literacy is fundamental to education. Project-based teaching and learning of statistics provides an opportunity to develop statistical literacy. The approach, drawing on assumptions of Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA), can aptly modify the relationships between teacher, student, and knowledge itself — core components of the didactical contract, as characterized in the Theory of Didactic Situations (TDS), so as to promote greater autonomy among students in carrying out their investigations. A case study was conducted to analyze the development of statistical literacy and
changes to the didactical contract under a project-based approach with students from two classes attending the final year of high school, distributed into small groups. For two months, under the simultaneous guidance of two teachers, of Portuguese language and Mathematics, the students experienced the entire process of developing a statistical investigation. The results showed that this approach promotes the development of statistical literacy, highlighting the importance of negotiating and renegotiating the didactic contract.
Key words: statistical literacy, didactical contract, projects