  • ISSN: 2155-7993
  • Journal of Modern Education Review

The Educational Avatar as an Autopoietic Narrative: Methodology and
A/r/tographics Teachings for a Visual Arts Education Degree

Paula Mastroberti
(Universidade Federal Rio Grande do Sul/Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil)

Abstract: The “educational avatar” proposal combines a series of creative methodological practices developed by the students of Visual Arts Degree from Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Brazil, culminating in the projection of a fictional and poetic educative subjectivity. It aims at the projection of an educative subjectivity in a fictional and poetic discursive space, from specific contents and themes of each discipline, for the development of a greater attention/awareness of itself as a media, aesthetic and communicative body in power for education. Through a poetic and fictional discourse generated in different modalities (writing, graphic, audiovisual, plastic, gestural and dramatic), the student researches and projects an auto/bio/graphic/poetic image, at the same time dialogic in the sense that, at the same time to invest in it, its critical imaginary and its desires simultaneously embody them. It is a circumstantial character, that is, a dynamic entity in a continuous process of trans/form/action narrative. The methodology includes the manufacturing of an a/r/tographic diary throughout the disciplinary period, so that the student can register and freely articulate the collected knowledge, thus enriching their avatar. Both complement each other and prove to be an excellent means of raising student awareness of future educational activities.
Key words: educational avatar, education and subjectivity, educational poetic, a/r/tographic diaries,

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