  • ISSN: 2155-7993
  • Journal of Modern Education Review

The Role of the Puppeteer in Wayang Kulit Performing Art

Dwiki Setya Prayoga
(State University of Surabaya, Indonesia)

Abstract: The puppeteers try with all creativities they have to preserve the art of Wayang performance traditions. The concept form of the presentation in Wayang art performance contains aesthetic values for life. The puppeteers always present new story in the performance, this is done as an effort of Wayang tradition conservation. However, not all know the real role of the puppeteers. In an entertaining performance, there is a character that plays actively and innovatively in living the audience and connoisseur appreciation on Wayang kulit performance, the puppeteer. This is where the role of puppeteers in the art of Wayang performance must known by all people.
Key words: the puppeteer, performing art, shadow puppet.

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