  • ISSN: 2155-7993
  • Journal of Modern Education Review

 Analyzing a Curriculum Proposal for Brazilian Sign Language

Roberto Cesar Reis da Costa
(Department of Vernacular Language, Federal University of Bahia, Brazil)
Abstract: With the aim to analyze a curriculum designed originally to teach Brazilian Sign Language (Libras) as a school subject for deaf students, this paper presents an analysis of the curriculum proposal described by Costa et al. (2013). The analysis was conducted in terms of needs analysis theory. After an introductory part, the paper is structured as follows: an overview on the teaching beliefs and the learning process; the relevance of needs analysis; a curriculum proposal designed to teach Libras as a first language; and the analysis of the curriculum presented. Reflecting on curricula queries is of utmost importance; it becomes an emerging challenge when it is about sign languages. In addition to other important issues discussed and presented in this paper, it is concluded that curriculum proposals for Libras may be a starting point to help the Ministry of Education in Brazil establish curricula guidelines for the area at stake.

Key words: education, curriculum, sign language, deaf education

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