  • ISSN: 2155-7993
  • Journal of Modern Education Review

 Survey Learning Logistics at the FATEC Guarulhos, São Paulo, Brazil: Based on a Gamified System

Milton Francisco de Brito1, Robson Santos1, Marcos Antonio Maia de Oliveira1, Alexandre Formigoni1, João
Roberto Maiellaro 1, Caio Flavio Stettiner2, Paulo Ramirez3
(1. Faculdade de Tecnologia de Guarulhos, São Paulo, Brazil;
2. Faculdade de Tecnologia de São Paulo - Sebrae, São Paulo, Brazil;
3. Instituto Federal de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil)
Abstract: Assuming gamification as a system that uses game-based elements and design techniques in a non-game context and that gamification has been being applied to promote behavioral change, it is understood that it may be applied to retain students focused on the disciplines studied. In this scenario, the study aims to know the perception of students of the logistics course from Guarulhos Technology School in São Paulo, Brazil, with the use of gamification for teaching and learning. From the perception to be raised by means of a questionnaire applied to the students and spontaneously answered, deploy a learning system content of gamification of course subjects aiming to decrease the dropout rate that today is around 30% in the first semester of the course. At the same time, to improve the quality of classes by replacing expository methodology with an interactive and shared methodology. It is expected that, based on the perception of students, it is possible to develop and implement a learning system covering the objectives to be achieved, the design of behavior, innovative activities that provide real-time feedback in a fun and exciting way for both students and professors.

Key words: education; student involvement; sharing; gamification

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