  • ISSN: 2155-7993
  • Journal of Modern Education Review

Matrix Model of Structure of Biochemistry Curriculum


Jana Skrabankova

(Department of Pedagogy and Andragogy, University of Ostrava, Czech Republic)


Abstract: I have created this model on the basis of theoretical analysis of the information (so far known) in the field of the data mining and analytical-synthetic approaches to problem solving. The analysis in my approach is understood as a scientific method which is based on the decomposition of the whole (the input of universe) to elemental parts. The aim of the analysis is to identify essential and necessary features of the elementary parts of the whole, to identify their nature and patterns. Synthesis is understood as a process of a new joining (neo composition) of two or more elemental parts into the final unit so that the information obtained can lead to a better understanding of relationships between the modeled objects and phenomena and can become the next input universe of the analytical and synthetic modeling. In connection with the analytical-synthetic modelling it is useful to state some further views on systematic approaches to the creation of specific structures, which is for example represented by the Matrix Model of Structure of Biochemistry Curriculum

Key words: data mining, curricular process, analytical-synthetic modeling, matrix modeling

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