  • ISSN: 2155-7993
  • Journal of Modern Education Review

 The Concept and Methodology of Competence Design for Disciplines and

Areas of Study



Vladimir Gutu1, Argentina Chiriac2, Carolina Turcanu1
(1. Department of Pedagogical Sciences, Moldova State University, Republic of Moldova;
2. State University of Medicine and Pharmacy “NicolaeTestemitanu”, Republic of Moldova)

Abstract: The present article refers to the foundation of a model of designing general competences for discipline taking into account psychological, pedagogical and teleological aspects. The model focuses on psychological theories of learning, teleological structuring of education finalities, formative potential of discipline content, but also on the modern definition of competences to be formed. The article also describes in detail the steps and procedures of designing general competences for disciplines and areas of study, applying the proposed model.

Key words: definition of competences, general competences, transversal competences, specific competences,
competencies taxonomy, psicho-pedagogical model, discipline


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