
- ISSN: 2155-7950
- Journal of Business and Economics
Trip-related Expenditure Analysis of U.S. Saltwater Recreational Fishing:
A Tobit Approach
Yeong Nain Chi
(University of Maryland Eastern Shore, MD 21853, USA)
Abstract: This study utilized cross-sectional data extracted from the 2011 National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife Associated Recreation to analyze individual trip-related expenditures on saltwater recreational fishing in the United States. Tobit model for U.S. saltwater recreational fishing expenditure analysis was evaluated. Empirical results of this study indicated that income, age, gender, ethnicity, urban residence, license, fishing on the boat, and types of fish such as salmon, striped bass, bluefish, flatfish, redfish, mackerel, marlin, tuna, dolphin, ULUA, and shellfish had significant effects on U.S. saltwater recreational fishing trip-related expenditures. The results of this study can provide insight into the determinants of U.S. saltwater recreational fishing trip-related expenditures which can be used for saltwater recreational fisheries management and policy.
Key words: saltwater; recreational fishing; trip-related; expenditures; Tobit
JEL codes: C24, Q22