
- ISSN: 2155-7950
- Journal of Business and Economics
Using the ACO Concept to Produce Better Outcomes
through Integrated Healthcare
Peter G. Fitzpatrick, Kendolyn Smith, MeriBeth Stegall, Michael E. Dalmat, Latrina Walden
(Clayton State University, Morrow, GA 30260, USA)
Abstract: The current healthcare delivery system of the United States is overly expensive, inefficient, and ineffective based on many measures. Many of these defects can be traced to a basic lack of integration of services and information. This paper will discuss this lack of integration and look at previous attempts to arrest this problem. We will then outline the practical aspects of Accountable Care Organizations (ACO’s) and demonstrate how when properly implemented, they could be a very practical way of achieving the much needed integration.
Key words: healthcare outcomes; integrated care; efficiency; healthcare economics; accountable care
JEL code: I