  • ISSN: 2155-7993
  • Journal of Modern Education Review

Culture Awareness and Learning English as a Second Language (ESL)


Youssif Zaghwani Omar1,2, Salem Altaieb3,4
(1. English Department, University of Benghazi, Libya;
2. German and Russian Studies Department, University of Missouri, Columbia, USA;
3. English Department, University of Azzytouna, Libya;
4.University of Denver, Denver, Colorado, USA)


Abstract: Learning English as a second language (ESL) is problematic if it is taking place away from its cultural context. Thus, this study explores the role of being culturally aware in learning ESL in the United States. Through observing and interviewing ten international students, the findings show that learning ESL is difficult or impossible when learners are apart from the English culture. The participants of the study were selected intentionally; five of them were weak users of English, and the other five were good users of English. The findings of the data analysis show that being culturally aware is the clue for learning and using English effectively in authentic situations. Also, the data analysis shows that the main reason of being weak users of English is that the five participants have not been immersed in the English culture, where English is used in its cultural context. This means that language is culture, and any attempt of separating language from its cultural context will, definitely, lead to language learning failure.

Key words: culture awareness, connotative meaning, ESL, culture context

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