- ISSN: 2155-7950
- Journal of Business and Economics
More Analytical than Data: “Choral Intelligence” in the Management of
“Predictive Behaviour”
Marta Arnus, Eduardo Buxaderas, Jesús Timoteo Álvarez
(“ThinkCom” R&D Group, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 28001 Madrid, Spain)
Abstract: Machinery and technology have now assumed one of the core duties that have traditionally befallen entrepreneurs, namely, the search for information about their businesses and its subsequent organisation. Today’s more streamlined information and knowledge processes have transformed the entire value chain and paved the way for its standardisation. This has had a strategic impact, as business intelligence now has time to address what really matters: dealings and experiences with markets, users and customers.
The ultimate aim of such intelligence and experiences is the early identification of conduct in the form of “predictive behaviour”.
This paper summarises the state-of-the-art in these developments, the usages and tools being used as regards these predictions in sundry economic sectors, and the development of these practices toward what we define as “intelligence units” in a services economy in which the presence of intangible assets is set to prevail.
Key words: intangible assets; predictive behavior; choral intelligence; intelligence units
JEL codes: O