  • ISSN: 2155-7950
  • Journal of Business and Economics

Staple Food Development Strategy Based on Local Wisdom on Poor

Households in Central Java Province of Indonesia

Rhina Uchyani, Erlyna Wida R., Suprapti S.
(Sebelas Maret University, Indonesia)
Abstract: Current local staple food is getting marginalized because staple food consumption tend to a single consumption of rice. On the other hand, a local staple foods have good prospects to be development both in the food processing industry and non-food. The specific objective of this study is to formulate development strategies based on local wisdom staple food in poor households in Central Java Indonesia. Design research used exploratory research. Data were obtained in-depth qualitative and contextual nature as well as quantitative data. Data collection methods were used for FGD (Focus Group Discussion), observation and in-depth interviews. The results of the first study (2012) is used for FGD material. FGDs were conducted in three districts are Rembang, Blora and Grobogan in 2013 with consideration of these districts have the most disadvantaged households. To formulate development strategies based on local wisdom staple foods using SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, Threats). The results based on the SWOT analysis showed that the strategy in developing staple foods based on local wisdom on poor households in Central Java, are (1) The increase in the cultivation and production of staple food locally, (2) introduction of local staple food processing technology that high market demand, (3) Optimization homestead land with local staple crops of economic value, (4) Dissemination and implementation of the local staple food menu in daily consumption, (5) government policies to rice for poor household, (6) Development of a home industry of processed products made from local staple food, (7) Development of staple food processing industry home instantly.
Key word: local food; increased production; local wisdom
JEL codes: O130

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