  • ISSN: 2155-7950
  • Journal of Business and Economics

Psychologic Types and Decision Making Study Case in Logistics
Management at Danone Morocco


Ouafae Zerouali Ouarit, Hicham Mohammed Hamri, Soukaina Ibenrissoul
(University Ibn Zohr Agadir, Morocco)

Abstract: When faced with decision making, managers tend to have two different approaches, known under the terms “Analysis Paralysis” and “Extinction by Instinct”. These two concepts are often used individually, while the combination of both is what can help the manager sort out his problems and find effective solutions. This is where the helicopter view comes in the picture.

Key words: decision making; analysis paralysis; extinction by instinct; helicopter view; intuitive managers;
inner processing; systems thinking

JEL codes: A12, D70

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