  • ISSN: 2155-7993
  • Journal of Modern Education Review

Forensic Science and Social Justice


Tharinia Dukes Robinson1, Ashraf Esmail2
(1. Piedmont College, USA; 2. Dillard University, USA)


Abstract: Throughout history there have been many social injustices committed against those often viewed as lesser or “non-important” members of society. Often there may have been malice behind such injustices because these members of society were of a particular race or socioeconomic status. However, what also could have played a role in social injustices against certain sectors of society was simply due to the limitations of law enforcement when it came to evidence. Forensic science has come to play an important role over the past few decades when it comes to correcting social injustices. Admittedly, there have been instances where forensic science has been used erroneously but overall the technology has prevented social injustices to a multitude of individuals. Forensic science has not only become a tool utilized to help law enforcement “catch the bad guys” but forensic science also has been a big aide in correcting social injustices.


Key words: forensic science, law enforcement, social injustice

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