  • ISSN: 2155-7993
  • Journal of Modern Education Review

In Searching the Local Knowledge as Main Capital of Food Security: Ethnography Study of Daily Experience in Maintaining the Sustainability Strategy Based on Community Perspective


Desintha D. Asriani 
(Department of Sociology, Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia)


Abstract: This study mainly focuses on the dynamic of community in developing the real meaning of what the local knowledge is. In order to find that meaning, the discussion of the local is closely associated with the context of food security. In Molo society, although known as one of the place with conflict of human resource the regular agenda regarding to maintain food security based on their real local knowledge has regularly developed. Here, the perspective of habitus is utilized to explain the dynamic of daily experiences in framing the value, point of view and belief, while the ecofeminism combined by local studies has contribution to employ the argumentation of embed between society and the nature or they call as their woman/mother/earth. Therefore, this study utilized qualitative method with ethnography approach, completed by daily notes, participant observation and self-narration as the way of data collecting. The concept of diversity then becomes the main result of this research. If the local knowledge is determined by the local term, local habit or local value, the local would disappear since it tend to create the generalization in the smaller community again. The local, for Molo’s people means the recognition of the divers choices owned not only individual but also all creatures. In their belief of salome (satu lobang rame-rame: one hole for all), for instance explicitly shows that people cannot just plant one seed, instead all seeds have right to be planted even in one hole. In conclusion, to obtain the food security the compromise point is invested on the ability in sustaining the existence of those divers choices in all life aspects. That is the local.


Key words: food security, local knowledge, sustainability, Molo

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