  • ISSN: 2155-7993
  • Journal of Modern Education Review

Charter Schools in United States of America


Murat Akkus 
(Adnan Menderes University, Turkey)

Abstract: Charter schools obtain their name from the charter, or contract, the sponsor of the school sign with an authorizer. The concept of charter schools allows them to be innovative independent public schools that have to be accountable for improved student achievement. Charter schools exist in 41 states and the District of Columbia. Eight states have no charter school law. Number of the charter Schools has growth 100% since 2007–2008. A charter school’s management policy and flexibility depends on the state in which the charter school resides; however, each charter school develops its own policies regarding the education of their students, such as the curriculum, pedagogy, discipline, and personal. To conclude that charter schools are essentially better or worse than traditional schools is to oversimplify the complexity of this public education issue.
Key words: charter school, educational policy, urban education

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