
- ISSN: 2155-7950
- Journal of Business and Economics
International Data Envelopment Analysis in Higher Education: How Do
Institutional Factors Influence University Efficiency?
Sait Başkaya, Matthias Klumpp
(University of Duisburg-Essen, Universitätsstraße 9, 45141 Essen, Germany)
Abstract: Institutional factors in higher education like for example being a private or a public higher education institution are major differences in the concept of higher education. Therefore many research and practical discussions are evolving around question like, e.g., “Are private universities more efficient than public ones?” or: “Are large universities with all kinds of study programs more efficient than small universities with specialized fields like business and engineering?” In this research paper data for 33 German universities is analyzed and compared in order to find a tentative answer towards these questions. As a research method the data envelopment analysis (DEA) with a strong research application background in higher education research is used. A BCC model assuming variable returns to scale is implemented due to existing research results regarding the RTS situation in universities, nevertheless also CCR model is used. As input and output indicators the following data sources are used: Budget (input), staff (input), graduates (output) and third party funds acquisition (output).
Keywords: higher education; efficiency; institutional factors; DEA; BCC model; CCR model
JEL codes: M11, H83