  • ISSN: 2155-7950
  • Journal of Business and Economics
All Issues
1. Can Bitcoin be the Future of Digital Payments?
DOI:10.15341/jbe(2155-7950)/06.10.2019/001    Author:    ndrea Valente, David Atkinson pp. 489-500  
Published online:2020/7/15 14:59:56
2. “Sustainability of Information” as a New Subject in University Degrees in Business Management and Administration: Reporting of Non-financial Information — Spanish Case
DOI:10.15341/jbe(2155-7950)/06.10.2019/002    Author:    María Ángela Jiménez Montañés, Susana Villaluenga de Gracia pp. 501-516  
Published online:2020/7/15 14:56:54
3. Automobile Insurance: Analysis of the Impact of a Premium Change on the Behavior of Insured at the Time of Subscription and Termination
DOI:10.15341/jbe(2155-7950)/06.10.2019/003    Author:    Zakaria Rouaine, Mounir Jerry, Ahlam Qafas pp. 517-530  
Published online:2020/7/15 14:55:28
4. Post-industrial Society: Structure, Features, Mechanism and Regularities of Formation
DOI:10.15341/jbe(2155-7950)/06.10.2019/004    Author:    Domakur Olga pp. 531-539  
Published online:2020/7/15 14:54:08
5. Proposal for Temperature Settings of Poultry Houses, Aiming at Death Reduction
DOI:10.15341/jbe(2155-7950)/06.10.2019/005    Author:    Seiya Akamatsu, Ken Nishina, Hironobu Kawamura pp. 540-549  
Published online:2020/7/15 14:52:37
6. Microfinance for the Poor in Viet Nam
DOI:10.15341/jbe(2155-7950)/06.10.2019/006    Author:    Huy Nguyen pp. 550-557  
Published online:2020/7/15 14:51:14
7. Territorial Ground of Educational Economy
DOI:10.15341/jbe(2155-7950)/06.10.2019/007    Author:    Aleksandr Levintov pp. 558-562  
Published online:2020/7/15 14:49:46
8. Territorial Reaffirmation Through Regional Musicality: the Brazilian Northeast by Luiz Gonzaga, the King of Baião
DOI:10.15341/jbe(2155-7950)/06.10.2019/008    Author:    Leandro Cosme Oliveira Couto, Vanilson Cosme Oliveira Couto, pp. 563-584  
Published online:2020/7/15 14:46:45

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