  • ISSN: 2155-7950
  • Journal of Business and Economics
All Issues
1. Subtheme: “Toward Better Industrial Relations in the Future” — The Essence and Challenges of Industrial Relations in Japan
DOI:10.15341/jbe(2155-7950)/12.08.2017/001    Author:    Hak-soo Oh, pp. 977-988  
Published online:3/13/2019 3:39:29 AM
2. Explaining E-Business Adoption and Use: Development of a Measurement Model from the Perspective of Knowledge Management
DOI:10.15341/jbe(2155-7950)/12.08.2017/002    Author:    Robles-Estrada Celestino, Suástegui-Ochoa Alberto Alejandro, pp. 989-1008  
Published online:3/13/2019 3:39:29 AM
3. Knowledge Management and Entrepreneurial Orientation in Mexican Small Business
DOI:10.15341/jbe(2155-7950)/12.08.2017/003    Author:    Sandra Yesenia Pinzón-Castro, Gonzalo Maldonado Guzman, Jose Felipe Soriano Suárez del Real, pp. 1009-1022  
Published online:3/13/2019 3:39:29 AM
4. A Model of the Relationship between Behavioral Integrity, Moral Distress, and Work-Family Conflict of Nurse Workers in Aceh, Indonesia
DOI:10.15341/jbe(2155-7950)/12.08.2017/004    Author:    Mahdani Ibrahim, Muhammad Subhan, Nurhayati Nurhayati, Banta Karollah, pp. 1023-1030  
Published online:3/13/2019 3:39:29 AM
5. Creating Motivation for the Development of the Vietnam Intellectuals in the Context of Global Integration
DOI:10.15341/jbe(2155-7950)/12.08.2017/005    Author:    Nguyen Van Tuan, Thom Thi Nguyen, pp. 1031-1047  
Published online:3/13/2019 3:39:29 AM
6. Logistic Regression Analysis on Risk Factors of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in Xi’an Based on Environmental Problems
DOI:10.15341/jbe(2155-7950)/12.08.2017/006    Author:    Pang Yu, Qian Wen, pp. 1048-1056  
Published online:3/13/2019 3:39:29 AM
7. Entrepreneurial Sustainability and Performance of Community Based Health Financing Schemes in Informal Settlement in Nairobi County, Kenya
DOI:10.15341/jbe(2155-7950)/12.08.2017/007    Author:    Erastus Thoronjo, pp. 1057-1066  
Published online:3/13/2019 3:39:29 AM

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