- ISSN: 2375-9402
- Modern Agricultural Science and Technology
Nutritional Status and Food Intake Behavior of Salty Food and Snack in Children
1. School of Pediatrics, Suranaree University of Technology, Thailand
2. School of Medicine, Suranaree University of Technology, Thailand
3. School of Family Medicine, Suranaree University of Technology, Thailand
Abstract: Background: Food intake and salty food preference behaviors surveyed in children 6 months to 6 years of ages at the Pediatric Clinic, Suranaree University of Technology Hospital in 2015-2017 with the questionnaire by trained interviewers. Nutritional assessment made according to national criteria of Weight for Age, Height for Age, and Weight for Height. The food frequency questionnaires recorded including snacks and salt added foods. Sodium intake calculated by the Immucal Thai program. The Pearson product-moment correlation used to determine the relationship between nutritional status and salt intake behavior.
Results: Four hundred children enrolled in the study. The age group classification was 0-6 months, 7 months-3 years and over 3-5 years old group, which accounting for 8.5, 13.0, 48.8 and 29.8% respectively. The first time of complementary feeding were the crushed rice 32.7%. Child salty taste favoring behavior from parent perception was 32.5% from the interview questions. The data from food frequency questionnaire found child eating snack was 32%. The average daily sodium intake was higher than the requirement for children aged 3-5 years group (980±1200 milligrams/day). Obesity prevalence was 8.5% and stunting prevalence was 9.5%. No significant relationship was showed between the nutritional status and salty food favoring behaviors.
Conclusion: The sodium intake from salt added foods and snacks was higher than the requirement for preschool children. Limitation of salty food intake in toddler and preschool children must be encourage in routine childcare including the pediatric clinic, school, and communities.
Key words: food behavior, salty food and snack, children, and nutritional status